Per farsi notare nel mercato americano dovrebbe fare coppia con il baby fenomeno Justin Bieber che in una recente intervista ha affermato:
“Ho sempre detto che Cheryl Cole mi piace un sacco. Se fosse più giovane le avrei chiesto di uscire. Spero di aver la possibilità di entrare in studio con lei la prossima volta che viene in America, sarei curioso di scoprire cosa potrebbe nascere. Sarebbe cool lavorare con lei”.
Apparently the chance to become one of the four judges of the U.S. version of X Factor always seemsmore remote for the British singer Cheyl Cole , hence the star of "This Promise" is planning to return to the studio to add new material and make so the stronger the draft to land in the States. Yes, because at the level of potential hits in "Messy Little Raindrops" we find very few. After the good results obtained by the lead single, the second single "The Flood" has certainly not met the goals set peakkando at number 18 on the UK Singles Chart. To get noticed in the American market should be paired with Justin Bieber baby phenomenon that in a recent interview said:
"I always said that I really like Cheryl Cole. If he were younger I would have asked her out. I hope to have the opportunity to enter the studio with her the next time he comes to America, I'd be curious to see what could be born. It would be cool to work with her. "
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